
This is a blog about Pottsville, one of my Sims 2 neighbourhoods, where I am playing some families from the Prosperity challenge groups Fellowship 2

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Antonius - The Story So Far

Hi! Welcome to the Antonius Family. Would you like a tour of the house and then we can chat? I'm Tori by the way.

floor plan
exterior rooms
Life looks good

I know what you are thinking, lovely home, loving husband, four fine young daughters, two sweet adorable baby boys...

What would I know about pain?

Well things weren't always this good. When we came to Fellowship Lane our family was falling apart. And if you wanted to blame anybody for that...

Blame me.

You see Rylan and I were high school sweethearts and married soon after we graduated. Things were sweet while, we had a lovely baby girl we named Paige. Rylan got a good job down at the co-op. I knew that he wanted to go college after we graduated but the time wasn't right so Rylan channelled his thirst for knowledge into his telescope and love of astronomy

He would stay up so late looking down the telescope that I would go to bed without him. But in the morning I would wake up and find him sleeping next to me.

Then one morning I woke up and he wasn't there. I went out looking for him and found him out on the street. He was a mess, his clothes were a mess. whatever he had been doing all night hadn't included sleeping in bed.

At least not in my bed...

I demanded to know what he had been doing all night and when he told me that he had been abducted by aliens I laughed in his face. I was insanely jealous

I will never forget the look of hurt on his face as long as I live. He sort of just closed up on me and went inside and had a shower

Thing were pretty difficult for quite a while. Rylan took to sleeping in the spare bedroom. Paige had just become a teen and started acting out. I think it was all the stress of what was happening with her parents that made her go off the rails.

The two people I loved most in the world hated me...

All because of my stupid jealousy, my lack of trust. When Rylan started to showed I finally admitted that I was in the wrong and thing began to thaw between Rylan and I. A bit

Then the Catastrophe happened. The police called us one night to tell us that Paige had been in a car crash and not only that the car was stolen and there were the proceeds of burglary in the car.

It was a pretty awful time, but it was the one thing that brought Rylan and I back together. We talked for hours after that, shared our hopes and dreams on a level that been on before. Rylan told he had always dreamed of becoming a doctor, I dreams of having Paige do well in life, to get of this mess that she was in and go to college. Make something of her life. And not just Paige, I wanted more children. We discussed what we could do, we needed to get Paige away from the crowd she was mixed up in and we needed to be somewhere where Rylan could study towards his dream. There was also a little matter of the fines that Paige would have to pay.

So we sold the house, paid the fines, and bought the plot of land here in Fellowship Lane.


You can see from the pictures the house was pretty basic to begin with. It wasn't our priority, repairing the relationships within the family was. Rylan and I tried to set some time aside to be alone together. It wasn't easy, Rylan gave birth to twin girls, Priscilla and Penelope. Two lovely twin girls but a handful to take care of. We don't have any pictures but we got Paige involved in caring for the twins. She really loved her little sisters. With the twins around we needed to make time to spend with Paige. We found helping her with her homework really helped our relationship with her. She made friends with some of the local teenagers, (some of the locals are really different!) Mostly girls though which was a bit of surprise, because where we were previously Paige was boy mad and you couldn't turn without tripping over one of Paige's boyfriends. I didn't think she had met any boys.

Until she walked in the day one day and announced that she was dating Brendan Lozier from down the road.

That was a real surprise to us, Brendan was so different from the boys that she had dated before. Maybe that was the secret. When they first met he wanted to be her friend before he wanted to be her date.

Rylan got a job in the medical career path and I got a job in the army. It wasn't long after we moved in that I discovered that I was pregnant!


I gave birth to twin girls shortly after Penelope and Priscilla became children. We named them Lucia and Gaia. Paige decided to delay going to college until Brendan was able to go, apparently he is an orphan and he had a little sister not much older than Penelope and Priscilla to take care of. I decided to leave my job in the army and go into politics.

After Paige went to college I discovered I was pregnant again! I gave birth to twin boys (Marcus and Petronius) after Penelope and Priscilla became teens

Paige did well at college, changing her aspiration to family at the end of her sophomore year. She married Brendan after graduation.

One down, six more to go!

My gosh, it's dark outside. It's our sons' birthday do you want to stay a little bit longer, we're just about to bring the boys to the birthday cake?


You're leaving? It's been nice meeting you, come again soon!

toddler training


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