
This is a blog about Pottsville, one of my Sims 2 neighbourhoods, where I am playing some families from the Prosperity challenge groups Fellowship 2

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Te Waiata The Story So Far

Kia Ora, I'm Maui Te Waiata. My Aunt Pania has asked me to fill you in what has happened to the Te Waiata whanau since we moved to Fellowship lane. We came with my grandma Hine Te Waiata, Uncle Tane (her brother), my mum and dad, Aunt Moana, and Aunty Pania, me and my baby sister Aroha. I was just a kid at the time.

Grandma Hine is keen on all of us getting an education. She says that there is real mana in knowledge. She was really happy when when Rawiri my father went to University and got a degree in biology but was disappointed when aunty Moana said she wanted get a job after high school. She said there was too much fun to be had to waste her time at University. Grandma was a bit happier when she got as a lab technician at the local dairy. She was hoping that eventually Moana might be inspired to do some further study.

Uncle Rawiri got a job in SimCity working in a top research facility and decided to move the whole whanau to Pottville which was just outside of Simcity.

But when we got here tragedy struck. Uncle Tane got very sick and died. Then my mum got the same thing and died as well. My father was devastated and sort of gave the will to live. It was not long before he joined my mother. We had moved into a pretty basic house hoping to find something better but without the income that Dad was going to bring in we really couldn't afford to move. Pania's grades at school hit rock bottom because of all the stress of the move and followed by all the deaths in the family. It was a rough time but we were able to help each other through it.

Things got better when we got to meet the neighbours. Some of the people here are reallly different. I mean really different! This is me and Copper Maripossa from down the road. He's cool as. Guess that's whats such a cool place most people are pretty accepting of difference, if they weren't they'ld move on.

We discovered though that some people were from a bit closer to home. Grandma and Aunt Moana came home from visiting the neighbours all excited. They discovered thatthe Coopers came from the same part of the country that we came from and Aunt Moana actaully recognised some of them from her old job. It seems that old Fred used to own a dairy farm that used to send milk to the factory that she worked at. Aunty Moana being being Aunty Moana promptly asked one of Fred's sons, Ethan, on a date.


When she was warned that Ethan was bit of a ladies man she just laughed and said she liked a man who fun. But as I said that was what Aunty Moana was like then. We weren't at all surprised. What did surprise us was that Grandma started dating old Fred Cooper. I mean they're both elders! We were even more surprised when she announced that she and Fred Cooper were getting married and she was moving with him. She siad the repsonsibility of looking after the rest of would be good for Aunty but she was just over the road if we needed her.

Aunty Moana had some crazy idea at the time that she wanted to date as many different men as possible. Dad had teased her and said she had to put a figure on it and Aunty laughed and said "Well if you insist I want to have 50 first dates." The Cooper boys were definitely in her sights. She had dated Ethan and Joel was next on her list but she didn't get around to dating him until after Grandma married Fred Cooper. Afterwards she said the date was really weird, part of her wanted to make out with Joel and the other part felt she couldn't now that he was her stepbrother. She ended the date giving him a family kiss. She did took her responsibilies towards the family seriously. After dating Joel the first thing she did was get some smartmilk for Aroha and she potty trained her and taught her to walk. She helped both me and aunt Pania with our homework and went out and got a job. She didn't tell us what the job was though, she was a bit vague when we asked.

Aroha grew up Aunty Moana started dating Romulas Bonacorrd from down the road. Aunty Pania's grades were starting to get really good at good at school and she ended up going to Uni with Amethyst Sylvaen from across the road. It's really weird, hardly any time seems to passed while she was at college but she did really well getting top grades. She and Amethyst founded this greek house while she was at college and Pania became really interested in making money (she used to be boy mad). She got involved with Remus Bonacorrd while she was at college and when she graduated Moana moved in with Romulas Bonacorrd and Pania married his brother Remus who moved in with his nephew Ramsey. Another thing that happened was that we moved the graves to a community lot. We were having problems with weird things happening around the house and I saw a ghost! I really did. I was pretty young at the time and it really scared me. So when Pania moved back from college she consulted some experts and they told her to move the graves so she did. Soon after Moana got back I became a teenager. I really began to understand what Grandma Hine was saying about how there was mana in learning so I chose the knowledge aspiration. Then Ramsey and Aroha both grew up. Aroha chose family and Ramsey chose fortune. I think Ramsey was influenced by Pania who had come back from college wanted to own five top busineses. She opened a venue just down the road that became very successful. Opened a discount store over in Bluewater and bought the grocery store there when it came up for sale.

She even tried her hand at hairdressing while she was pregnant. She started with some of the girls she knew in college. She had some interesting results...

She had a little girl who she called Raureni and then she was back into things. Thats Raureni as a little girl.

Ramsey, Aroha and I all started dating. Ramsey was really interested in Mercedes Vega from down the road. Aroha is going steady with Velo Sylvaen from across the road. And me? Well things are a bit complicated at the moment. You see I started dating Kayla Dante from next door and she was fun to be with. Then Aroha bought Ellie Lozier home from school and I strating dating her as well. No, I'm not a romance sim, its jsut that I couldn't make up my mind. Both Kayla and Ellie are knowledge and I really liked both of them. Then my mind got made up for me. Ellie invited me down to her place and Kayla saw me there and things got really messy. I think Kayla's the one who has been knocking over our trashcan at night. Pania decided to give the house a revamp.
Nice house, eh. Pity, Ramsey tried to burn it down the following morning. Just kidding, the fireman did come and put it out eventually. Pania got pregnant again. But that didn't stop her. She started selling cars at the Corner Shop and reached a milestone when she earned 100 000 simoleans. It was a bit of a awkward place to sell cars so she decided after it reached top ranking To buy the Landgraab Real Estate office. Her first sale was the corner shop. She's very keen for us teenagers to get some experience working in her businesses. she says its a valuable learning experience for us. Here she is passing on some of the stuff she learned in her businesses. She told me recently that the house was in my father's name and when he died the house was left to me. She only moved back home after finishing Uni because Me and Aroha were still kids and she wanted to see that we were secure before she and Remus moved into their own home. She says they are planning to do that pretty soon. So that's how Te Waiata whanau beem going since we came to Pottsville. Arohanui


At 3:21 am, Blogger SpongebobTanu said...

coool!!! how'd you do that with the pics? i wanna do that. teach me!!! :o)

At 10:50 am, Blogger Roo said...

I love this family! Are they Hawaiian or Samoan or what? Nice update and I like the animated pictures, although the first one was wicked fast, can they be slowed down? They're so cool!

At 3:12 pm, Blogger Janet Cone said...

Close, They're Maori (I'm in New Zealand so I looked closer to home for inspiration). They're are Polynesians like the Hawaiians and the Samoans so a lot of the words are similiar (although the Maori language is actually closer to Tahitian.)

I set the graphics to flip evry second except for the floorplan where I chose a 2 second interval.

Thanks for your comment.

At 5:38 am, Blogger Ziese52 said...

I really like this family. Pania just went to college in my game with her boyfriend (she was a townie). It's so fun to see what others do with the same sims.


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