The Dantes - The Story So Far

"Hi, I'm Leeland. I'm going to fill you on what been happening around here since we came to Pottsville. If you ask Mum she'll tell you that we came here to get us kids away from the "Drama of the Big City." Yeah, she actually used those words. What she doesn't tell you is that she and Dad were the ones who were in trouble, not us. Dad was in the criminal career path and Mum persuaded him to cheat his employers, she wants to own 5 top business and thought she could use the money as start up capital. Well Dad's bosses found out and we were on the run. We thought we were safe when we got to Pottville and Mum and Dad built a lovely house. Then we had some visitors...
By the time they had left the house was ashes and so was Dad. They did it in such a way that the insurance company thought that we burnt down the house deliberately and they wouldn't pay out on the insurance. I was so angry with Mum, no I beyond angry, just completely and utterly disgusted. It was her greed that put us in this position. Kayla, my little sister, although she was toddler knew that Mum was responsible for Dad's death,(she even wanted to see Mum's ghost for a while!) but Sasha couldn't see what Mum had done and was anti me because I was causing trouble in the family.
So we were really loving family when we came to Pottsville, Not!
We had just enough money to build a really basic house...

I guess we were lucky to have a roof over our heads and some beds! Anyway Mum left Sasha and I looking after Kayla and Ashton our baby sister and brother...

"And moonlighted as a barista down at the local community lot so she could buy some luxuries like a bookcase and some seating.

"She then came home and had a quick snack of juice before she went to work.

"Sasha stayed home from school and looked after the twins. When Mum got home she was really exhausted.

We found out why later on that afternoon...

"We had some visitors come and they seemed really friendly and welcoming. The guy in red is Javier Vega, he seems a really cool guy, I think we are going to be friends. I didn't really have friends back in the city, Dad was really funny about us bringing back sims from school and I didn't think people would like me enough to want to be my friend. But people here... are different.

"Eventually the toddlers grew up.

"Mum taught Sasha to study and Sasha and I taught Ashton and Kayla to study.

"But nobody taught me to study, I had to stuggle along on my own.

"But I was the first one in the family to come home with a A+!

"Then mum gave birth to our little sister Madison.

"I thought things were getting better and then Sasha attacked me! So I attacked her back!

"Mum got involved with one of the local business owners, Gilbert Jacquet. At the time I thought she just after him for his money. I mean if you can't rip off the mob for their money, why not marry it.

"They got married

"And Gilbert turned out to be a really cool guy. He persuaded Sasha and me to apologise to each other and that really helped our relationship, we became friends after that.

He helped me learn to study

"And taught me some things about relating to other people. I couldn't understand why such a cool guy would get involved with a sim like my mother. He said originally he was looking for someone to marry to please his mother and Mum interested him because she looked like someone who could take over his business and let follow his dream of becoming a sports star.
"And then he fell in love with Mum, really in love. And he thinks Mum feels the same way about home.
"I really hope he is right.

"I got to make more friends in the neighbourhood. Vanessa Maripossa took me along to meet the Elvens

"they were really accepting, and welcomed me into their home.

"I was even there when their baby daughter was born...

"I had some good chats with Galadrial Elven, she seemed to be really perceptive. She helped me one day when I came home from school and Mum went absolutely mental and attacked me. She told me I needed to put aside my anger and forgive her.

It worked, things got a lot better around here and I am not just talking about the house.

"Speaking of the house to want to have a look around? This is the front, its not too much different from how the house was at the beginning.

"But take a look around the side.

"This is the floor plan.

"The kitchen is where our old lounge used to be.

"The dining room

"and lounge

"The nursery is where the kitchen used to be.

"Denise's room is Mum's old room, Denise is Gilbert's mother.

"And this is Mum and Gilberts room

"And they added on a extra bedroom for us kids

"I got to know a lot of the guys in the neighbourhood and I invited them all over one night and some girls turned up as well, there was
Elrond Elven
Javier Vega
Brendan Lozier
Tempus Viator
Princessa Maripossa
Marisa Wood (townie teen brought along by Princessa)
Crystal Knight (going steady with Zeno Sylvaen but just happened to
be passing)
Copper Maripossa (a kid but he happened to be passing)
Rosario Vega (ditto)
there. Things were really rocking! Sorry I was having so much fun I forgot to take some photos.
"That's when Sasha met Elrond Elven for the first time and really hit it off. The following night Madison had her birthday and became a child and then Sasha left for college with Elrond Elven. They became engaged while they were at college.

"Although I was friends with a lot of the guys in the neighbourhood I never really met a girl that I liked until... You know how a kids just a kid and then suddenly they grow up and you notice that they are more than just some brat kid? Well it was like that with me and Rosario Vega, Javier's kid sister. One day she was just a kid and the next day we were falling in love. I decided to stick around a bit longer before I went to college so we could go together. I waited until Ashton and Kayla were teens before I left. (Ashton chose pleasure while Kayla became a knowledge sim).
"After I went to college Mum got pregnant again. It was a really rough pregnancy this time. It really didn't help that Mum was trying to run the bakery at the same time. And she changed career paths, she had become a junior officer in the army but Denise pointed out she wouldn't be around forever and Mum needed to brush up her cooking skill if she was to run the business fully on her own. So Mum quit her job and got one in the culinary career path."

"Denise practically ran the house while Mum was pregnant.

"Mum had another son, Jacques and after that last pregnancy decided that she didn't want to get pregnant again but Gilbert wanted another child. So they adopted.
"Meet Betty Jacquet"

"Jacques became a child. (Kayla is furious because she got a crush on Maui next door and then found him kissing that Ellie Lozier from down the road, Ashton is interested in a couple of Javier's sisters.)

"and then they lost Denise.

"Gilbert was devastated...

"and so for that matter was Kayla

"Madison finally became a teen (popularity)

"So that's the Dante's. I'm a bit worried about Mum and Gilbert though, she picked a couple of fights with that Lawrence Nuttington from down the road. I don't think she should done that, I've heard rumours about that guy.
I absolutely love the windows in this house...a pay site? And you've been great with the Dante family!! I'm so happy you worked through their conflict without having to move any out for a while!! If I could give official awards, I'd give you the 'Mastering the Dantes' award!!
Gilbert is family?? Or is he Romance?? Uggghh I don't think this person she's been fighting with is a good idea either!
Great job! You did so well with this family--I'm impressed. It sounds like they even managed to get along finally! Wow, you are one dedicated simmer! Keep up the good work.
Thanks for your commentss
Jenn w the windows are either recolours or variants of Numenor's wall window. I'm not sure where I got them from, they may have been in a house I downloaded from TSR, but I'm petty certain they are not originally from a pay site.
I actually used the same windows in the Sylvaen house (for the above reason) so if you install that house you'll get the windows (luckily Numenor's wall windows/doors are one of the few build item that travel well in sim2packs).
Gilbert is Romance but he is a well trained romance sim and he is good with the kids. Almost too good. While Liza was going through her last pregnancy (which was really rough - she got in a state where she was too tired to eat and too hungry to sleep in a bed, I discovered the best thing to do when a sim gets in that stata is to let the sim fall asleep in their food) Gilbert came home with the flu and while I was looking after Liza automously played , hugged and chatted with the kids. The kids got infected and so did Liza who passed it on to all and sundry in the neighbourhood. Including Lawrence Nuttington who as you said is probably not a good person to annoy.
For reasons that will become clear when I play his house.
Great job with this family! A gold star for you!
Great job with the Dantes. Your beginning was pretty similar to mine but Liza married a lot better in your game
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