
This is a blog about Pottsville, one of my Sims 2 neighbourhoods, where I am playing some families from the Prosperity challenge groups Fellowship 2

Friday, August 04, 2006

The Sylvaens -The Story So Far
"Oh Hi! I'm Velo, Amethyst wants me to fill you in with what happened since we moved to Fellowship Lane." "You might have noticed have noticed that we're not exactly from around here. Our father was a king on a distant planet. There was a revolution, some powerful families did not like the reforms that he brought to the planet, and he had to flee the palace with his family. So he brought us to the one place where he thought the Oligarchs couldn't find us. Then he returned to fight the Oligarchs. Just as about as he was to leave our mother decided she wanted to be by his side in the fight. "So just us three were left. Zeno, Amethyst and me. "Amethyst and Zeno were just teens at the time and I was just a kid. To make money we moved all the beds into one of the bedrooms." "and opened up a home venue in the other bedroom. "Our new neighbours were very supportive of our new venture. That's Liza Dante from across the road and Fred Cooper from next door. "Then Crystal Knight walked in the door. I dont think that she is from around here either. The moment Zeno saw her he was smitten. "They went on a date down at the Fellowship Shopping centre... "And Zeno's fate was sealed... "with a kiss. "I got to meet some of the local kids, This is Vanessa Maripossa, she's not from around here either. I guess this is why we feel so safe here. There are different kinds of people here and most people are pretty accepting of difference. I guess each of our families has their own story. Amethyst went to SimState with Pania Te Waiata from across the road. "She and Pania founded a greek house at SimState called Cham Annya Nagard. She also said she discovered that her some of her friends had some very interesting secrets. "No she didn't say anything more about that when I asked her. She just smiled and said I'd find out when I got to SimState. Just to remember to make some friends with people wearing llama blazer, whatever that means. Anyway she did really well at Uni and graduated Summa Cum Laude. Zeno and I are really proud of her. "She got involved with Ethan Cooper from next door while she was at Uni. He was a romance sim but Amethyst persuaded him to change his aspiration to family, the same as her. I think Ethan's dad Fred was pretty happy with that, he's also family and wants lots of grandkids. I've heard Ethan and Amethyst say they want a large family, 10 kids at least. 10 Kids! They got married as soon as they graduated. "Amethyst closed down the home venue as soon as she got home from college. She says we didn't need it any longer as she has got in the medical career path and Ethan is in the Army. "There were some repercussions from Ethan being a ex-romance sim... "Soon after that I became a teen and chose the knowledge aspiration, Zeno finally left for Uni and Amethyst had twins! A boy and girl who she named after our father and mother, Ystris and Xanthia. "Oh, that's Aroha Te Waiata from across the road, she's the sister of Pania who went to college with Amethyst. She's really cool, she's a family sim and we're going steady. We're going to go to Uni together. "Here are pictures of Ystris and Xanthia as kids. This is Ystris "And this is Xanthia. "After they were born, Amethyst got pregnant again and had another set of twins! This is Urana. "And this is Tevo "Yes, I know two sets of twins in a row seems really strange. Aroha thinks that eating cheesecake has something to do with it. If that's the case we're in for an interesting time. Ethan popped out to get some cheesecake yesterday afternoon and last night Amethyst found she was expecting again! "One thing is certain though, Ethan and Amethyst are really in love. "Want to have a look at the house? Amethyst enlarged it when she got back from college. This is ground floor. "This is the second floor. "And the roof. "Hey, there's a taxi pulling up and Ethan is getting into it. He's not leaving her is he? He can't be, they are so much in love! They must have a reason for doing this.!


At 3:41 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh-oh, why did Ethan get into the cab? There must be a reason...I thought maybe the house was too full for twins, but if you have 7 sims you can actually have twins still and have 9 members in the house. Hmmmmm...I hope everything is okay! Great update.

At 4:27 am, Blogger Janet Cone said...

Thanks for the comment.

Ethan was glitching, he wasn't aging, so I moved him out to see whether that would fix the problem. Rather than moving him back in after I fixed the problem and then fiddling around trying to remove the extra 20k I decided to incorporate the move-out into the story. You'll find out what he is up to when I play his house. ;-)

At 4:52 am, Blogger Lynnaea said...

Ooooo. Well, Ethan has some explaining to do!

At 1:29 pm, Blogger Patricia said...

gOooo...I hope Ethan isn't reverting back to his romantic ways. I really like the layout of this house. I never would've thought of individual rooms for the cribs. Great idea!

At 1:47 am, Blogger Ziese52 said...

Ahh so much fun. Amethyst is already poping out a bunch of babies.


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